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SRCThe Student Reward Card program - a ground-breaking fundraising program - provides schools with a steady stream of donations without the commitment of time and resources required by traditional activities.  But the Student Reward Card program can do much more by providing schools with a financial curriculum to aid the school in producing "Financially Functional Young Adults" by using the Student Reward Card's ability to be a Prepaid Visa® Card. By adding a picture, campuses can use the Student Reward Card to reduce the amount of cash students bring on campus and thus reinforcing / promoting money management skills through student use of a parent-monitored prepaid card.

Currently the Student Reward Card is in use by thousands of students throughout the greater Southern California area.  Interested in how the program can help your school?  Click Here to find out more.

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Student Reward Card Prepaid Visa cards are issued by Four Oaks Bank Trust & Trust, pursuant to a license from
Visa U.S.A. Inc. Student Reward Card, Inc. and Virtual Automated Technologies, Inc. are
Member Service Providers of Four Oaks Bank  & Trust.